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I've purchased Cortex! What's next?

Follow these instructions to download and install Cortex and one of the authentication how-tos (depending on how you would like to authenticate users to Cortex). Both documents contain a list of prerequisites that should be assembled/satisfied before attempting installation (things like database connection information and information on the SSO provider).

This process takes about an hour. If you run into issues, contact our support team.

Depending on your particular arrangement, a member of our team or one of our partners may schedule time with you to help you perform the installation. Please also include the following people on the call (or ensure they're available to be pulled in if/when needed):

  • Someone with access to the SQL database into which the Cherwell data has been restored (e.g. for the SQL credentials that Cortex will be using).
  • Someone with administrative access to the machine we'll be installing on (e.g. to configure IIS).
  • Someone with access to configure a "client" in your SSO provider (this goes by different names depending on the specific service: relying party trust, enterprise application, client, etc.)
  • Someone who can verify that what they see in Cortex is what they expect to be seeing.

If you haven't received your license key by the time you have everything set up, contact support.